Tips on how to increase potency at home are especially important for men over forty, but young people are also advised to pay attention to preventive measures that will help prevent the weakening of male strength. So, how to increase potency in men at home - let's talk about it further.
Folk remedies to help
Men who are wondering how to prolong sexual intercourse and strengthen male strength are advised to pay attention to various folk remedies that help stimulate blood flow, eliminate toxins and restore potency. Of course, it is possible to achieve positive results through the use of such methods only if the decrease in the quality of intimate life is not the result of diseases of the genital area.
Mint tea
If the weakening of male strength is the result of nervous overload, an infusion of peppermint tea will help to cope with this problem. How to quickly increase potency and normalize the activity of the body as a whole? You have to follow these instructions:

- First you need to prepare a healthy drink. To do this, pour a few fresh or dried leaves and sprouts of ordinary peppermint with boiling water, leave to infuse for thirty minutes.
- Drinking ready-made tea should be one cup at least twice a day.
- To enhance the effect of the drink, you can also take valerian tincture in the amount of 10-15 drops.
Increasing power at home using this method is possible only if there is a slight nervous tension. To cope with nervous disorders, it is necessary to take powerful drugs prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.
Magic mix
Weakened immunity can also have a negative effect on male strength. How to increase the power at home in such a situation? There is a great way that will help to solve not only this problem, but also to increase the resistance of the body. It consists in the regular use of a nut mixture. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients in equal quantities:

- Any seedless raisins.
- Dried apricots.
- Plums.
- Hazelnut.
- Walnuts.
- Lemons.
The components provided must be ground with a blender, mixed thoroughly and added to such an amount of natural liquid honey that the result is a thick paste. The finished medicine must be consumed in a teaspoon. There are preferably three meals a day before the main meals. This recipe can be used to extend the time of intercourse.
Collection of herbs
A collection of multi-component herbs, which includes medicinal plants that stimulate blood flow and restore metabolism, has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the body in general and on male strength in particular. To increase the potency of this folk remedy, the following components are needed, prepared in equal proportions:

- Thyme.
- Chamomile.
- Nettle.
- Mint.
- Melissa.
Next, you need to mix the components thoroughly, then steam three tablespoons of the finished raw material with a liter of boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes. It is recommended to infuse the drink overnight. To strengthen male potency, you should use the medicine in the amount of half a glass. It is also recommended to drink this folk remedy shortly before intimacy.
One of the most effective means of increasing potency is eleutherococcus tincture, which can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. This humble plant will help get rid of male weakness in a few days, increase the duration of intercourse and prevent a decrease in libido. In addition, regular intake of the tincture increases the severity of the sensations obtained with intimacy.
To achieve positive results, it is enough to use the ready-made tincture for a week. At the same time, you need to drink it in the amount of one tablespoon thirty to forty minutes before the main meals. In addition, you can also use the medicine immediately before intercourse, observing the same proportions.
Ginseng is one of the most effective remedies that will help to cope with fatigue, nervous breakdown, increase immunity and, most importantly, restore male strength. How to improve potency with this plant? To obtain a beneficial effect, it is recommended to prepare an aqueous infusion.
- Peel 100 grams of fresh plant roots, cut them into large pieces.
- Pour the resulting raw material with boiling water in the amount of half a liter, insist half a day.
Thus, we increase the potency simply and safely, which is as follows: the resulting tincture should be drunk once during the day, regardless of the time of the meal. Consume half a glass. After the tincture is finished, the rhizomes can be filled with water. This potent homemade elixir can also be used to improve memory, eliminate drowsiness and increase vitality.
Honey drink
A variety of beekeeping products are effective means for potency. In the manufacture of medicines, honey and propolis are used. To improve male strength, you can try the following medicine, which is not only very useful, but also very tasty:

- First you need to grind 250 grams of aloe leaves with a blender, after cutting the thorns from them.
- Add a glass of natural bee honey and Cahors to the raw materials thus prepared.
- Mix the components thoroughly, place in a dark glass container, then put in a cool place for infusion. In order for the elixir to acquire medicinal properties, it should be stored in this way for a month.
After preparation, you should regularly consume one teaspoon of the finished drug three times a day. This should be done just before the main meals. The course of treatment should be continued until the end of the entire remedy. It is important to remember that before increasing potency using this particular method, it is important to make sure that there is no risk of allergic reactions from the body, because honey is one of the strongest allergens.
Shilajit is an amazing remedy with a wide range of useful properties. When used wisely, this medicine will help restore male strength in a short time. It can also be classified as a libido enhancing agent. There are many ways to use the mummy, but the simplest and most effective is the following:
- First you need to prepare a honey solution. To do this, dissolve three tablespoons of bee product in a liter of warm water. Use only low temperature liquids. This is due to the fact that in boiling or very hot water, honey loses most of its beneficial properties.
- Next, you should dissolve six grams of mummy in the total amount of honey water. Leave the container with the future medicine to infuse for a few days.
How to increase potency using this method? To do this, it is enough to use one and a half tablespoons of prepared water once a day. This should only be done in the morning, which will also help provide a boost of tone and vigor. The medicine should be drunk for no more than two weeks. Next, you need to take a break and then repeat the course.
Hence, there are many ways to increase potency. Plus, most of them don't require a lot of effort or money. But it is important to remember that in order to achieve positive results, it is necessary to regularly apply folk remedies, otherwise the effect will be minimal.
The role of physical activity
One of the most common factors contributing to the weakening of potency is leading a sedentary lifestyle, due, for example, to the type of activity. Being overweight can also affect a man's quality of intimate life. Only physical activity and sports will help to get rid of such problems.
It is especially important to pay attention to strengthening the pelvic muscles. This is due to the fact that the occurrence of stagnation phenomena in this area, caused by impaired blood flow and low physical activity, can cause a weakening of potency.
To restore blood circulation, it is recommended to regularly perform the following exercise options:
- Lunge forward with support on each leg in turn.
- Deep squats, performed with the knees apart. Due to the regular implementation of this action, the blood flow processes in the small pelvis are effectively restored and muscle tissues are strengthened.
- Circular rotation of the pelvis.
- It tilts in all directions.
- Lie on the floor with your legs slightly apart, then slowly raise your pelvic region.
In addition, long walks, regular walks in the fresh air will help get rid of the problems associated with stagnation of blood, which is important, it is absolutely free. Also, this type of physical activity is especially useful if you walk slowly, slowly, but do it for at least an hour a day, gradually increasing the time.
Impact on biologically active points
One of the most effective ways to increase potency is regular daily exposure to the acupuncture points located on the feet. To achieve positive results, it is recommended to regularly massage the skin of the legs with gentle movements. To make it easier to slide, you can use various essential oils or regular vegetable olives.
It is also helpful to do regular warming foot wraps. To do this, mustard plasters should be applied to the foot area. The procedure should be carried out for fifteen minutes. If you experience any discomfort, such as a burning sensation, you should stop the session immediately.
Role of nutrition
To increase potency in men, it is important to remove toxins from the body, restore normal metabolism and the activity of all systems. The best way to help solve this problem is a balanced diet. Also, you can quickly increase potency at home by including certain foods in your diet. The most important rules of diet therapy when male strength weakens are as follows:
- First of all, you should give up fatty, heavy, spicy and sweet foods. These foods slow down metabolic processes and contribute to the formation of fat deposits. It is important to exclude from the diet semi-finished products, sweets and pastries, smoked meats, pickles, marinades.
- You should categorically refuse to drink alcohol. The exception is high quality natural red wine. This is the only drink you can afford. But drinking it, of course, should be in minimal quantities.
- The inclusion of an optimal amount of protein foods in the diet will help to quickly strengthen potency at home. This rule is also relevant if a man is interested in the question of how to prolong sexual intercourse. The most useful products are: all kinds of seafood and lean sea fish, lean meat, quail eggs.
- Various types of fruits and vegetables are no less useful: bananas, raspberries, carrots, beets, strawberries, celery, fresh herbs, radishes.
- All types of cereals and legumes. It is especially useful to use them in the form of cereals.
- To remove toxic substances from the body and normalize metabolic processes, it is recommended to replace the usual coffee and tea with vitamin drinks. As a decoction of hawthorn and rose hips, dried fruit compote, freshly squeezed juices diluted with water are quite suitable.
To increase potency, it is recommended to always adhere to the rules of a balanced diet. Sure, it is permissible to indulge in small indulgences from time to time, but this should be done within reasonable limits.
How can potency be tested?
Before you think about using products to increase male strength, you need to make sure they are really needed. For this, it is recommended to check the power at home. It is possible to talk about existing problems only if the following symptoms are observed:
- Lack of attraction to the opposite sex. If the situation is one-off, it could be the result of physical or mental fatigue. An alarming sign is a decrease in libido with adequate sleep and rest.
- Inability to complete the relationship.
- The erection disappears during an intimate act.
Before checking the potency in the ways indicated, it is recommended to make sure that there is no physical or mental fatigue. It is also important to eliminate stress and nervous tension. These signs can be symptoms of early impotence. It is important to take timely measures that help get rid of existing problems and return to its former strength.
It is recommended to start using means for increasing potency at home only after visiting a doctor. It is necessary to exclude diseases that contribute to the weakening of male strength or, if necessary, to undergo appropriate treatment under the supervision of a specialist.